Pork Shoulder 2kg – A Meaty Pork Flavour slightly sweet
Pork Shoulder 2kg – Also know as The Boston Butt – Very Nutritious
Pork Shoulder 2kg – Order Online or Call 07932 686498 to place an Order

Pork shoulder 2kg is a cut of meat that plainly tells you where it comes from—the shoulder of a pig’s forelimb. It is also called “picnic shoulder” or “picnic roast.”
It is best braised, cut up for stews, or used to make ground pork.
Pork Shoulder 2kg Fillet
If roasted, pork shoulder needs to be covered and have liquid in the pan for most of the roasting time.
Pork shoulder 2kg is a versatile cut of meat that can be slow roasted to give a classic roast with crackling, cooked until soft enough to pull-apart for pulled pork, or diced and cooked in casseroles and hot pots.
A whole shoulder of pork is a big piece of meat made up of most of the forequarter of the animal.
Unless you ask for it specifically from the butchers, or you want to feed at least 20 people, it will be broken down into smaller roasting joints. Pork Shoulder Fillet
The shoulder is made up of lots of different muscles intertwined with fat and the best way to cook it is slowly until tender to break down the fat and the connective tissue.
Pork shoulder also makes good pork mince and is often the cut used for sausages.
What can you do with a Shoulder of Pork
The meat from the hard-working shoulder is a super-versatile cut.
It can either be minced or diced for cooking slowly in stews, or kept on the bone and slow-roasted until tender and falling apart.
The fillet from the top of the shoulder is just tender enough to be cut into steaks for grilling or barbecuing.
Pork Shoulder Fillet
Do you know your pork belly from your pork shoulder?
What’s the difference between a rib chop and a loin chop?
And what about the underrated cheek or liver?
Knowing what pork cuts to choose can be super-confusing, so we’ve put together a guide with all the info you’ll need.
When buying pork, remember to always buy free-range or organic whenever possible.
This means the animal has led a happy and healthy life, often born and reared outdoors in small numbers where it can forage and exercise as nature intended, rather than being kept in confinement.
If you’re looking to trade up, look for higher-welfare certifications, such as RSPCA Approved or Certified Humane as a minimum.
Pork is a great source of protein, vitamins and minerals, but just make sure you choose leaner cuts on most occasions, reserving the fattier pieces for weekend treats.
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