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Hertfordshire Online Butcher – Truly Fantastic Meat Quality at an affordable price

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The best quality meat, reared by British farmers who are passionate about sustainable agriculture, animal welfare and traditional free-range farming. Our meat comes straight from the farm gate to our butchery in Essex. We dry age our meat, hand-butcher to order, and prep and pack your box just one day before delivery so it stays fresh.

There’s no getting away from it, many of still enjoy a good old roast dinner (even if we treat ourselves mid-week and not just on the traditional Sunday).  It’s great if the family devours the roast during the meal, but it’s a shame to waste the meat, particularly if you have bought a quality joint from your local butcher.

We are often asked for tips on what to do with any leftovers from a roasting joint.   We all know that quality cuts will make great additions to tasty sandwiches or healthy salads, but did you know that you can also add them to curries, stews and soups. One tip though, you can’t rely on your leftover meat to add flavour from its cooking juices, so you will need to add flavour and taste in other ways.

Here are some suggestions for using the leftovers from your roasting joint to avoid waste but still create a tasty snack or meal. Hertfordshire Online Butcher

Leftover Roast Beef Sandwich

To create a really tasty roast beef sandwich, you can add less traditional ingredients than mustard or horseradish.  Why not try spreading a layer of pesto onto the bread (fresh or toasted) then add some sweet roasted peppers, a slice of blue cheese (or any other type you may prefer) and nice thick layer of the beef. Delicious!!!

Other Leftover Meat Recommendations

You can use leftover meat in many other dishes including pies (with your favourite fillings though you will need to ensure that the filling is very succulent to avoid the meat drying out); spicy rice dishes like Jambalya or noodle soup (which is particularly good for leftover meat as the sauce is light keeping the meat extra moist).

If you have a chicken or turkey carcass, it’s really easy to make simple stock by just boiling the bones with vegetables and seasoning.  You can even add in less popular cuts like the chicken wings to add further flavour. Hertfordshire Online Butcher

We hope these tips will help you to make the most of your leftover roasting joints.  After all, when you’ve spent a few bob on good quality meat, the last thing you want to do is waste any!!  Visit our Website , and don’t forget Deli just around the corner for those additional ingredients, for your favourite roast – and then think how you’re going to make the most of the leftovers.

As Brits, most of us enjoy a good old-fashioned meat pie.  What you may not know is that there is often much debate among ‘foodies’ as to what constitutes a ‘real pie’. The general consensus is that the pastry in a proper pie completely encases the filling, so excluding casseroles or other dishes which just have a pastry lid.

No matter your opinion on what makes a proper pie, there’s nothing more heart-warming that a steaming hot meat pie on a cold, wet and blustery winter evening.   We’re talking about a rustic style pie, with crisp, golden pastry oozing with gravy and full of tender cuts of meat.  But which filling is your favourite?

We’ve come up with our top four meat pie recipe recommendations to tempt your taste buds and satisfy the whole family. Hertfordshire Online Butcher

Hertfordshire Online Butcher

Creamy Pork and Mushroom Pie Recipe

This Savoury pie is a nice change from chicken or beef pie and is quick and easy to make. The filling is mixed right in the baking dish and can be topped with ready-made puff pastry.  Using our rolled Loin of Pork  ideal for dicing, and complemented by delicious chestnut mushrooms.  As with all our pork products, our pigs are sourced from our nearest local farm in the Chingford Valley of Essex for guaranteed flavour and freshness.

Hertfordshire Online Butcher – N&C Produce

Chicken is one of the most popular meats when it comes to a low fat, high protein diet.  It is frequently recommended in diet plans by fitness and weight loss professionals and a favourite of elite athletes.

So, why is chicken the number one choice when it comes to health and well-being?

Chicken – A Great Source of Protein

Essentially, chicken is a great source of protein, which is essential for the muscle regeneration after exercise. Protein is key to a healthy diet, because your body uses it to create new cells and to repair and maintain existing cells. It’s also worth noting that chicken is classified as a high-quality protein, in so much that it is a protein that contains the eight essential amino acids. Although classed as low-fat, the actual fat found in chicken is unsaturated (ie good fats), which studies suggest protects against heart disease. Hertfordshire Online Butcher

Protein slows the emptying of food from your stomach and helps maintain more stable blood sugar levels, so you don’t feel hungry as quickly after eating it. In other words, chicken can be really filling and takes longer than average to digest, which means you’re less likely to need snacks to fill the gap before your next meal.

Hertfordshire Online Butcher

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