Gourmet Burger-6oz

Gourmet Burger 6oz – Fresh made – Simply Outstanding

Gourmet Burger 6oz – Order for home bbq and be happy to serve up a sensational burger

Gourmet Burger 6oz – If you love then place that order today

Gourmet Burger – 6oz

Gourmet Burger 6oz A great burger, I mean what actually is that, well no actual science behind this but a great product cooked well and seasoned will deliver that ultimate food high that you only get when you follow and practice procedures you know will deliver a consistent product. beef burgers

No doubt you can have the right product but the cooking of it let\’s you down so nothing wrong with cooking 100s or 1000s until you get that consistency you are looking for. beef burgers

I have cooked a serious amount of burgers and my tips are to take off grill 1 minute early as will carry on cooking also let it rest for 1 minute before topping as you want it to be a soft eat not hard.

If you are cooking say 20 at one time No Problem then keep moving them about on Grill and stay busy as Grills have Hot Spots so important to follow my advice and remember to add salt as burgers need it.

How do you make a Burger in 5 Steps

Start with the Right Beef. The best burgers are made from freshly ground, high-grade beef chuck in an 80/20 mix (meat to fat). organic beef burgers

Gourmet Burger 6oz – Made to Order

Gourmet Burger 6oz

Making the Patties. Grab 5 to 6 ounces of meat and lightly toss from hand to hand, forming a ball.

Pat into a Disk – homemade beef burgers

Perfect-Burger Secret Tip beef burgers

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Watford Catering Event Company – Top Notch Catering – Outstanding

Gourmet Burger 6oz

How long should you grill burgers for?

  1. Medium-rare (warm, red centre): 6 minutes, or 130 to 135°
  2. Medium (warm, pink centre): 7 to 8 minutes, or 140 to 145°
  3. Medium-well (hot, slightly pink centre): 9 minutes, or 150 to 155°
  4. Well done (brown all the way through): 10 minutes, or 160 to 165°

How to cook Burgers on an Outside BBQ

It’s critical to start with the right type of meat.

Don’t skimp on the fat. Look for a mix of 80-percent lean beef and 20-percent fat for a juicier, more flavorful burger.

Although ground chuck is standard, you can also opt for flavorful ground brisket or ground short ribs.

Season with salt and pepper, but use a gentle touch, as over-mixing or compacting the ground meat will result in dense, firm burgers.

The ideal burger patty size is about six ounces — roughly between the size of a baseball and a softball.

Once the ball is formed, flatten it out in your hands or on a cutting board until it’s about three-fourths of an inch thick and circular in shape.

Put a slight indentation in the centre of the patty, as this keeps the patty from swelling up and becoming too round during cooking.

You can also choose to maximize crispiness and surface flavor by grilling thinner patties, and stacking two in each burger.

Refrigerate the patties until ready to cook.

Sear the burgers directly over the coals until brown and crispy on the bottom, about four to five minutes. You’ll know to flip the patties when you see liquid pooling on the uncooked surface.

Be careful not to char the meat or press down on the patties with a spatula while cooking, you’ll squeeze out all those flavorful juices.

Flare-ups will happen. This is just the fat rendering and dripping onto the coals.

Simply move the burgers to the other side of the grate until the flames subside.

Use a long-handled metal spatula to flip the burgers only once.

Then sear the other side to lock in the juices.

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