Bronze Free Range Turkey 5kg – Outstanding


Bronze Free Range Turkey 5kg

Cooking the once-a year perfect Xmas Turkey shouldn’t be something to lose sleep over!

Here are a few tips for cooking a Pasture-Raised Free-Range Turkey…

Plan for about 200g of turkey per person…if your turkey is bigger, plan for yummy re-creations!

Start HIGH…450F… but only for 20 minutes. 

This step puts that initial “browning effect” on your bird which crisps it up and seals in juices later.

Turn the temperature down to 325-350F for the rest of the time.

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Bronze Free Range Turkey 5kg – Great Value

Bronze Free Range Turkey 5kg – Outstanding Quality – Pre Order in advance to secure delivery day.

Bronze Free Range Turkey 5kg – Order Online or Call 07932 686498 to place an Order

Bronze Free Range Turkey 5kg
Bronze Free Range Turkey 5kg

Bronze Free Range Turkey 5kg

Cooking the once-a year perfect Xmas Turkey shouldn’t be something to lose sleep over! Here are a few tips for cooking a Pasture-Raised Free-Range Turkey…

Plan for about 200g of turkey per person…if your turkey is bigger, plan for yummy re-creations!

Start HIGH…450F… but only for 20 minutes.  This step puts that initial “browning effect” on your bird which crisps it up and seals in juices later.

Turn the temperature down to 325-350F for the rest of the time.

How long??  6 min/1/2 kilo (or 15min/kilo if its stuffed).

Even though many meat thermometers and cookbooks say cook until 185-190…DON’T DO IT!! If you want tender and moist meat a temperature of 165F in the breast meat is perfect.

(That means USE a thermometer!) 

Every time you open the oven, it will extend your cooking time. These roasting times are just an estimate.

Let the turkey rest 20-30 minutes before carving…the turkey continues to cook after you take it out of the oven and helps the juiciness stay in the meat. and you’ll also have time to finish preparing the meal.

Don’t use the convection setting…it can cook it too fast and dry it out.

Oven Bags are okay to use.

They can take up to an hour off of your cooking time. Still cook your turkey at 325 degrees and use a thermometer.

Need to see someone preparing a turkey? mix and match techniques… brining, roasting, stuffing, smoking, seasoning and the cranberry sauce.

If you don’t personally know the farmer who is growing your turkey, take the time to know what you are buying!

“Pastured” is not necessarily the same as “free-range.”

Some grass-based farmers use the word “free-range” to describe their pasture-raised birds, but any conventional factory farm can also label their birds “free-range” if they are not in individual cages, and if they have “access” to the outdoors.

even if the “outdoors” happens to be faeces-laden penned-in concrete pads outside the barn door, with no access to grass.

“Pastured” implies that the bird was out on grass for most of its life, where it ate grass and foraged for bugs, in addition to receiving some grain.

If tradition dictates that you season your meat by brining your bird and basting it as it roasts, by all means, do so.

However, many people brine and baste in order to keep the bird from drying out.

With a pastured bird, this is not necessary, and basting only wastes energy as you continually open the oven door.

Pastured birds are significantly juicier and more flavourful than factory farmed birds.

You can spare yourself this extra step as a reward for making the sustainable holiday choice!

(By the way, those turkey roasting bags are not necessary, either.)

Norfolk bronze free range turkey

free range whole turkey

how to cook free range turkey

Weight5.00000000 kg
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