Steaks Cooked to Absolute Perfect

Steaks Cooked to Absolute Perfect – Limitless Tips 10

Steaks Cooked to Absolute Perfect – Consistent Cooking Procedures are the key to success – oh and lots of practice

Steaks Cooked to Absolute Perfect – Love this Blog as so real

Where do you start in coaching a Novice in how to deliver an Ultimate Steak that gets a Scream of WoW

Boring Boring Boring – Select Steak – I mean how do you do that as I learnt very early on that it\’s very difficult to do in the Class B and C Category basically select a thick one for Rare n Medium Rare and go thinner if Medium Well and Well Done.

In short your eyes should guide you well to buying great Steaks whether it be T-Bone Ribeye Sirloin Fillet or Rump. Effectively shape and marbling is important. Steaks Cooked to Absolute Perfect

Ideal Steaks once cooked to temperature and rested effectively are cooked on a Hot Seasoned Grill Plate that is just the perfect temperature and strangely you just know when you have them ideal conditions as you have done it so many times before. Steaks Cooked to Absolute Perfect

Does Steak get Tender the longer it cooks

Yes, there are scientific reasons to back up the fact that slow cooked meat is better. Tenderness in meat comes from the melting of collagen – the connective tissue protein present in meat.

When collagen melts, it turns into gelatine, a rich liquid that gives meat a lot of flavour as well as a silky texture. Steaks Cooked to Absolute Perfect

What are the 5 most Tender Steaks

If you are looking for a great tasting, tender, and flavorful cut of steak, it\’s well worth the price.

  • Tenderloin Steak. …
  • Top Loin Steak. …
  • T-Bone Steak. …
  • Porterhouse Steak. …
  • Fillet Steak

How do Chefs know how long to cook a Steak

Get the timing right – Steaks Cooked to Absolute Perfect

Chris Otim Chef to the Stars says: “When the griddle pan is really hot place the steak in. For a 300g (10oz) steak, it should take about one to two minutes. Turn the steak to create a crisscross on the meat and leave it for another minute or until the meat has cooked about half way up its side.

Herb Garlic Butter Steak


for 2 servings

  • 10oz ribeye steak, 2 inch (5 cm) thick, preferably Prime Beef
  • salt, to taste
  • pepper, to taste
  • 3 tablespoons canola oil
  • 3 tablespoons butter
  • 3 cloves garlic, peeled and smashed
  • 2 sprigs fresh rosemary
  • 3 sprigs fresh thyme


  1. Preheat oven to 210°F (100°C).
  2. Generously season all sides of the steak with salt and pepper.
  3. Transfer to a wire rack on top of a baking sheet, then bake for about 45 minutes to an hour until the internal temperature reads about 125°F (51° C) for medium-rare. Adjust the bake time based on if you like your steak more rare or more well-done (you monster).
  4. Heat the canola oil in a pan over high heat until smoking. Do not use olive oil, as its smoke point is significantly lower than that of canola oil and will smoke before reaching the desired cooking temperature.
  5. Sear the steak for 45 seconds on the first side, then flip.
  6. Add the butter, garlic, rosemary, and thyme and spin around the pan.
  7. Transfer the garlic and herbs on top of the steak and baste the steak with the butter using a large spoon.
  8. Baste for about 30 seconds, then flip and baste the other side for about 15 seconds.
  9. Turn the steak on its side and cook to render off any excess fat.
  10. Rest the steak on a cutting board or wire rack for about 10 minutes. Slicing the steak before the resting period has finished will result in a lot of the juices leaking out, which may not be desirable.
  11. Slice the steak into ½ -inch (1 cm) strips, then fan out the slices and serve.
  12. Enjoy!

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how to cook sirloin steak in a pan

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